Helping Kids Attend Summer Camps
Bridgeport Ladies Charitable Society funds summer camperships for underserved populations via our partner social service agencies as a way of supporting healthy options for children.
Camp Scholarships Awarded 2022
Dollars Used for Summer Camps
“Thank you for the opportunity to go to Camp Aspetuck for a week. I really enjoyed my stay from the cookout to the swimming classes to collecting firewood. But my overall favorite was meeting new people and getting to know them and I thank you for that opportunity.”
Girl Scout
“I am grateful beyond words that my daughter was able to attend Camp An-Se-Ox. It is the first thing she asks about when we start planning for the summer. This year she earned her Space Exploration and Stem Career badges along with the Discovery Space and Climate Change patches. She learned so much and talked nonstop about all the crafts and fun things experienced. She was proud of herself for hitting the target during archery and loved making her paper mache planet. I do hope one day that I will be able to give back to another girl the experience my daughter has had.”